Winston Tan
Winston Tan is the founder and Managing Director of Winmark Investments Pte Ltd and Corporate Brokers International Pte Ltd (CBI). He is also on the Board of Directors of several companies, including Singapore Technologies Kinetics Ltd, Roxy Pacific Holdings Ltd, Plastoform Holdings Ltd and Serrano Ltd. He is also the Chairman of several private companies including Armour Publishing Ltd, FMS Hospitality Pte Ltd and Astralink Technology Pte Ltd. Winston has 24 years of experience as a banker; over 16 years in Citibank and over seven years as General Manager in Deutsche Bank AGs Singapore branch. He received the NUS Outstanding Alumni Award in 2005. He attended University of Columbias Executive Development Program on International Management. Born in 1948, Winston has a wide range of interests and experience, spanning banking and finance, business and marketing, science and engineering, carpentry and interior design, photography, the performing arts, graphic design and religion and culture.