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Genesis Vol. 2: Isaac, Jacob and Joseph
SKU 978-983-43289-1-7
Categories Children's Resources, Christian
Introduction to Genesis
1. Isaac and Rebekah
2. Jacob and Esau – A Story of Birthrights
3. Jacob’s Journey
4. Jacob and Laban’s Daughters
5. Jacob’s Return to Canaan
6. Joseph and His Brothers
7. Joseph and Potiphar
8. The Prisoner and The Meaning of Dreams
9. The Dreamer and The King
10. From Pirsoner to Prime Minister
11. Jacob’s Dilemma
12. Family Confronttation and Reconciliation
13. Genesis Epilogue – From Tribal Clan to Nation
No. of Pages:978-983-43289-1-7
21mm by 28mm (closed)
80 Pages
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