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SKU 978-981-48-6365-0
Categories Assessments, Best Sellers, Education, English, Guidebooks, IP, O Level, Secondary
At revision time, Language differs from other subjects in that there are no clear, separate topics. Students may find it difficult to know what to ‘revise’. Often, ‘practising’ means making the same mistakes again and again. This book aims to give students the tools they need for revision and concentrates specifically on ‘doing well in the exam’. It is a book for students to learn from in the second half of the year. It encourages them to look back at their work and answers from the perspective of the marker / examiner.
Doing Your Best for O-Level English enables the student to examine past work to discover how to do better. includes resources for all the likely weak areas a student might have, so that last-minute improvements can be made. The book aims to develop a positive mindset in the candidate before the examination.
-Based on the latest MOE
-Revision strategies for all
papers (Papers 1, 2, 3 and 4)
-Examiners’ tips
-Guided practices
-Practice papers and answers
Mervyn Blake holds an English degree including the speciality Present-Day English
Usage. He taught English in the UK for 13 years before being appointed by the Ministry of
Education to teach in Singapore. He taught in Victoria School and Hwa Chong Institution
before retiring. His published works range from coursebooks to supplementary
starting with Summary Writing and Enter Shakespeare ( both a re n ow o ut o f p rint). H e h as
written over 30 books.
He currently lives in England where he works as an examiner for a leading Examinations
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