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Caught in the Storm
SKU 978-981-4413-62-6
Categories Mental Wellness, Wellness
“I found Caught in the Storm a compelling book. It provides stories and practical tips on
how we as parents and educators can better understand the world of adolescents. Mel helps
us realise that relating to a teen is not just the application of techniques, but a matter of
passion and human connection. This book is an inspiring read for all parents and educators.”
Mdm Sim Siew Tin
School Principal
For teenagers, puberty is a difficult and troubling time. In the midst of physical and mental changes, they face new challenges and increased expectations. They also struggle to find their own identities. Sometimes, they emerge unscathed; other times, they become wounded and broken. More teens are falling victim to severe depression, eating disorders and self-mutilation in attempts to cope with their emotional pain.
But how can we know when they need help going through the trials of youth? In Caught in the Storm, two experienced mental health professionals show parents and caregivers how to determine if their adolescent children are suffering from such disorders and need special intervention. They also hear from several young people, to reveal the cries of their hearts. Learn when to seek help, and how you can help your children through the difficulties of adolescence.
ISBN 13: 978-981-4413-62-6
ISBN 10: 981-4305-62-3
Size: 200mm by 130mm (closed)
No. of Pages: 96 pages
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