Advancing ViscoSupplementation (Traditional Chinese)

Advancing ViscoSupplementation (Traditional Chinese)

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“I find it refreshing that Dr Ting has voluntarily and kindly opted to share his rich experience
gained from injecting some 25,000 knee joints, with the medical fraternity. I am sure, this
handbook Advancing Viscosupplementation will find great utility as a desk top reference
manual for any practitioner who sees and manages patients with joint disorders.”

Dr Yeo Poh Teck
Neurologist, Gleneagles Medical Centre

Advancing Viscosupplementation is the result of the author’s personal clinical experience with viscosupplementation (VSP) since 1991. A procedure that involves injecting hyaluronate into a knee afflicted with osteoarthritis, VSP has been in practice world-wide for more than three decades, undergirded by substantial scientific evidence.

Award-winning Dr Ting Choon Meng, who has performed more than 25,000 VSP cases single-handedly, hopes to use this handbook to share with doctors on the “how’s and what’s” of VSP and enable any doctor who wants to get started on VSP to garner the necessary knowledge, skills and confidence to perform it. His broader aim is to make VSP popular and accessible to all patients in this decade. 

Written in an easy-to-understand and conversational style, the first part of this handbook deals with the history of hyaluronan and its use in joint disorders. This is followed by chapters describing anatomical pathology and pathophysiology, VSP techniques and methodology, side effects and contraindications. The future use of VSP is also discussed.

ISBN 13: 978-981-4270-85-4
ISBN 10: 981-4270-85-7
Size: 229 by 152mm
No. of Pages: 176 pages


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